About Dr. Asha Menon

My Story

I had always been an avid reader and writer. As a thirteen-year-old, I had written a long letter to my uncle, who was the first person to tell me that I should become a writer.

Then life happened. I was a good student, and my father suggested that I apply to medical schools. I did just that and was admitted to a medical school at the age of 18. Medicine engrossed me. I loved learning about the physiology of the human body and the intricate and meticulous functioning of every cell in the body. Each cell is a world of its own.

I must add; I did not like anatomy, memorizing the names of the multitude of nerves and arteries as they coursed through our body was overwhelming. In the anatomy class, where we dissected the brain and labeled every part of the brain, the mind which was what guided us throughout our life was not described.

This intangible thing called ‘mind’ was, in effect, non-existent in the anatomy class.

Through college and medical school, I would write poems, essays, stories, which were enjoyed by my friends and family; some of the material was published in school and community magazines. Last year, I was annoyed with myself for not having done anything with the stories I had written. One day, I spread all the manuscripts on my bed. As I looked at them, I felt these were human stories waiting to be told. 

There were stories exploring love and sexuality. There were stories about the pitfalls of modern living. The pursuit of happiness as understood and pursued was making people unhappy and not be at peace with themselves. Within a week, I decided to publish them.

If the reader sees slices of life in the pages of this book, these are stories told to understand the fickleness of the human mind, why we behave in ways detrimental to our well-being. Stories related to lay bare some of the myths associated with love and sex. Why the modern world, despite all its comforts and gadgets and being wealthier, than at any other time in history, stays stressed and unhappy across all strata of society?

This book is the culmination of that quest. It is written in the form of fiction, for in fiction, there is leeway to express oneself.

Every line in this book is written to convey something meaningful yet entertaining to the reader. It is a quick read. I deliberately made it so as this is the era of social media and distractions.

Every self-help book talked about success, but not many talked about the one thing that led to failure in life. If a person lacked this one thing, despite whatever money, fame or glamor one had, real happiness would elude him or her.

Shattering the societal definition of success, changing the paradigm of success can help us be successful in the true sense, and be genuinely at peace with ourselves. Worldly success does not always lead to fulfillment.

To understand the difference, please read ‘Tame The Mind: An Exploration of Love, Sex, Happiness.’


Feedback & Reviews

I would love to hear your thoughts on my book. I would love to hear if you relate to the stories in the book. I would love to hear if some misconceptions society has taught us have been busted in this book. 

Be prepared for some self-assessment.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. It really makes you think about life. Things aren’t always as they seem. It will give you a whole new outlook on life.”

Kim Vandevalk CA

“Was hooked after the first chapter and could not put the book down. The language is impressive. Enjoyed the story line, flow, characters, descriptions and the interactions. The book veers between exciting, sexy to spiritual. Loved it!”

Dr. Rajesh, Dental Surgeon and Life Coach

“A physician by trade, and a very creative soul. I enjoyed as she introduced us to various characters and took us into their private lives! Got to enjoy their travels to places far away with descriptions that made me feel I was there myself!

Felt Iike I got an insight into the author’s mind with the various stories and characters!
Well Done Dr. Menon!”

Nilima, Life Coach

“Entertaining … movie material. Characters are riveting. One can visualize every scene. Flows well. The portrayal of human emotions and dialogues is impressive.”—Rama

“Easy and quick read with great insights.

This book was a great short read on a meaningful topic. I could not put the book down because it was highly engaging each step of the way. The character development and story unfold beautifully and I highly recommend anyone even remotely interested in this book, purchase it IMMEDIATELY! You won’t regret it!”—Upkar Grewal

“I love how you say during your medical training you dissected the human brain but didn’t discuss how the mind works.
You mentioned that we are getting away from our core. I totally agree.
Your a great writer!

That part about how such high and false societal standards can make us “mere mortals” feel like derelicts…brilliant!
I totally agree we must redefine success from the big house / car material focus and include what makes us happy.” —Josh

“Engagingly written, ‘Tame the Mind’ is a close-up story of the passionate and complicated lives of Neil, his wife Sonia and his former classmate, Sylvia. With flowing prose complemented by her own heartfelt poetry, the author draws you into each of the character’s ongoing, deep conversations with themselves.

Creatively sprinkling and expressing her own thoughts and opinions in the midst of her story, she has gone into the vast gamut of philosophical questions; ones that everyone needs to address at various intersections in their own lives. TTM is sure to engage you, lead you to question your beliefs as well as prompt you to come up with your own answers to the questions posed therein. All this, while making you eagerly turn the pages to find out the subsequent outcomes in the anxiety ridden lives of Neil, Sonia and Sylvia.”— Pillai

What Can I Do for You?

Through my stories, I can help you understand why you are unhappy so you can find happiness for yourself.

Happiness Begins Here

Through this book, Tame The Mind: An Exploration of Love, Sex, Happiness I want you to know that you are not alone with your problems. We, humans, are wired with different thoughts that lead us to be unhappy. Schools teach us subjects like math, science, history, and the like, but no school teaches us what it takes to be happy. We grow up watching cartoons, movies which are sometimes entertaining but leave us dissatisfied a lot of times. We learn to numb our feelings, we distract ourselves with social media, we learn to be a victim, and then a bully. We learn to feel hurt when we don’t feel included and then hate ourselves and others. We aspire to reach the stars because that is what we are told and that is what we hear. Yet no amount of reaching the stars satisfies us because then there are other stars beyond our reach. Unable to get all the stars we set out to grab, we never feel enough. The process is arduous and there is always that someone who is a better star. Thanks to our ego, which unfortunately we are born with our relationships begin to suffer, whether it is with a colleague, friend, partner, or child. At the end of it all, we suffer. Our schools do not teach what happiness means and what success means. This book is my humble message to you to understand why we think wrong so you can find out how you can live right and not have to spend a whole lifetime trying to correct the wrongs we have learned.

Happiness Begins Here

Why can’t we be happy all the time?